Live the Life You Envisioned with My Lifestyle Design Method

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Wellness visionary & inspirational speaker, author of Let Your Fears Make You Fierce, & Founder of The Get Loved Up Community. My core mission is to promote daily self-care, oneness & eco-friendly living.

Hi, I'm Koya

I am excited to share a new practice that I’ve included in my coaching. With today being the first day of spring, signifying fresh starts and new beginnings, I figured there was no better day to bring you something new I just started doing.

Lifestyle Design. The practice of designing a lifestyle with intention that works in harmony with your purpose. 

Within Lifestyle Design, I would like to introduce you to this method through a unique “writing ritual” consisting of a 10-step approach that includes specific questions to help guide you in designing your dream lifestyle.

I started utilizing this new practice in my coaching because I know first-hand that it will:

  • Inspire you to acknowledge your challenges and setbacks.
  • Clarify where you are in different areas of your life to further progress.
  • Bring deeper awareness to your purpose.
  • Replace your fears with your dreams.

All of these are the benefits of the Lifestyle Design practice, which is for intentionally crafting a way of living that aligns with who you are. 

TL;DR, Lifestyle Design consists of a unique writing method to help bring your dream life to real life with a step-by-step process. This process encourages you to check-in, let go, find gratitude, meditate, visualize, manifest, reflect on your legacy, and create harmony daily through a series of questions.

To begin this writing lifestyle design ritual, create an inspiring and cozy atmosphere for yourself—a sacred space.

Set the tone by playing soothing music, lighting candles, maybe cuddling under your favorite blanket, placing crystals, and brewing chamomile, lavender, or rose tea. 

Grab your journal and follow each step in order, intuitively writing down your thoughts as they come without overthinking. Before you do anything, I suggest you do a quick 5-minute meditation to connect with yourself so that the answers can flow to you more easily.

Discover plenty of my meditations to accompany your writing ritual for Lifestyle Design 


Lifestyle Design: My 10-Step Writing Method in Designing the Life of Your Dreams

Step 1: Charity Check In

Start designing your lifestyle by getting clear on the vision you have for your life and your purpose in pursuing it.

Writing Practice – Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers in your journal:

  • What do I truly desire as my life’s vision?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how happy am I with each area of my life: health/business/finances/purpose
  • What’s my “why” – the purpose for my life?

Learn what rituals I do every morning to alignment myself with the divine

Step 2: Letting Go

Step two aims to identify which aspects of your life hold you back and need to be left behind to move forward. Remember, the more you let go of lower vibrational things, the more room you will have for the ones that will resonate with you on a higher level.

Writing Practice – Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers in your journal:

  • What am I willing to let go of that no longer serves me? Think of the different areas of your life.
  • What limiting beliefs am I willing to let go of?
  • What liberating affirmations can I replace those limiting beliefs with? 

Step 3: Gratitude

Acknowledge your blessings and achievements by thanking the universe, shifting your vibration towards abundance.

Writing Practice – Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers in your journal:

  • What areas of my life are working well for me that I would consider myself blessed in?
  • Are there any activities and areas of my life that feel good?
  • What actions do I do daily to raise my vibration?

Step 4: Meditation

Meditating will help you magnetize and better visualize your life’s vision and connect to your soul’s divine guidance.

Meditate with me in my Guided Meditation to Connect With Your Purpose

Writing Practice – Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers in your journal:

  • When do I feel the most relaxed?
  • What can I see, feel, hear, and smell when I visualize my happy place?

Find what makes you happy in my Happy Place Guided Meditation

Step 5: Visualization

This step aims to prepare you for manifestation, making what you’ve been spiritually desiring physically tangible.

Writing Practice – Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers in your journal:

  • When I visualize my life in a year, what do I see, smell, hear, taste?
  • How does my future life feel to me?

Step 6: Manifestation

Identify and intensify those high vibes vibrations that align with your dreams and vision.

Writing Practice – Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers in your journal:

  • How does that desired life vision feel?
  • What do you need to add to your life to achieve your goals to help manifest and actualize your soul’s purpose?
  • Are there any vibrations missing in your life that would resonate more with your vision?
  • What liberating affirmations can you bring into your day-to-day to attract that desired vibration?

Here is my meditation for Manifesting the Reality You Desire

Step 7: Creating a Legacy

This step’s goal is to add more meaning to your purpose by helping you make the footprint you want to leave behind.

Writing Practice – Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers in your journal:

  • What mark do you want to make on the world?
  • How do you want others to remember you?

Step 8: Your Schedule

Take time to figure out how you can best adapt your daily schedule to center around your dream life. Remember, small steps can lead to big changes, especially if done daily. With consistency, you create a solid foundation for your daily growth and evolution.

Writing Practice – Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers in your journal:

  • What daily rituals do you need to practice to get closer to that dream life?
  • How can you create more harmony in your life with these daily rituals?

Listen as I share my 11 rituals that will raise your vibration

Step 9: Your Team

If you’re an entrepreneur, this reflection piece is a crucial step in ensuring your business aligns with your mission and purpose.

Writing Practice – Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers in your journal:

  • Who do you need to support you, and where?
  • What do you need to delegate to create a more intentional business? 
  • How does each element of your business correlate to your purpose?

Step 10. Review Daily

This final step requires a regular review of where you’re and how you work in harmony with your purpose. 

Writing Practice – Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers in your journal:

  • How have I progressed towards my dream life this month?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how have the different areas of my life changed?

As a lifestyle design coach, I apply the same 10-step process to help others reinvent themselves and design lives they’ve always dreamed of but didn’t think possible. 

If you want the blueprint to living your purpose and bringing the life of your dreams to reality, stay tuned for my Lifestyle Design Course!

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