Stress Relief with Movement

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Wellness visionary & inspirational speaker, author of Let Your Fears Make You Fierce, & Founder of The Get Loved Up Community. My core mission is to promote daily self-care, oneness & eco-friendly living.

Hi, I'm Koya

We live in such a fast-paced world that unfortunately stress has become an unavoidable part of life. While some stress can be motivating and even beneficial in small increments, unresolved and chronic stress can wreak havoc on your body and mind. Today we’ll be discussing the profound impacts of unresolved stress on your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. We will also explore ten different movement modalities that can serve as healing and effective tools to relieve stress and emphasize the importance of consistent practice for maximum results!

I read a quote recently that said ‘’Health is not only your physical appearance. It is what you consume in all aspects. What you eat, listen to, read, wear, and your environment.” Have you ever stopped to think about what may be stressing you out that may not be an obvious stressor? We’re already two weeks into November and while this is an exciting time for some, others may have stress on the brain.


Let’s take a look at how we can say goodbye to our stressors and hello to the movements that make us feel good!


The Hidden Cost of Unresolved Stress

Stress is a natural response to challenging situations, activating the body’s “fight, flight, freeze, or fawn” response. However, when stress becomes chronic and unresolved, it can have a range of adverse effects on your overall health and wellbeing.


Physical Impacts of Unresolved Stress:

Cardiovascular Health: Chronic stress can lead to elevated blood pressure, increased heart rate, and a higher risk of heart disease. It can also contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, a condition where arteries narrow due to the buildup of plaque.


Muscle Tension and Pain: Stress often manifests as physical tension, leading to muscle aches, tension headaches, and even conditions like fibromyalgia. Prolonged stress can cause chronic pain and discomfort.

Weakened Immune System: Stress hormones suppress the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections and illnesses. This can lead to more frequent colds, flu, and other health issues. With the season changing and our bodies becoming more acclimated to the colder weather, it is so important to have a strong immune system.


Digestive Problems: Stress can disrupt digestive processes, leading to issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, and other gastrointestinal problems. Did you know that if you aren’t breathing properly, sometimes due to stress, it can impact your digestive tract? Our inner organs need a massage that we can accomplish by practicing proper breathing exercises that also regulate our digestive system. Digestive problems can be directly linked to imbalances in our brain, so we want to make this a priority.


Weight Gain and Obesity: Chronic stress can trigger overeating and cravings for unhealthy foods, contributing to unnecessary weight gain and obesity.


Emotional Impacts of Unresolved Stress:

Anxiety and Depression: Unresolved stress is a significant risk factor for the development of anxiety and depression. It can amplify feelings of worry, sadness, and hopelessness.


Irritability and Mood Swings: Chronic stress can lead to irritability, mood swings, and difficulty in managing your emotions. It can strain relationships and impact your overall quality of life.


Low Self-Esteem: Constant stress can erode your self-esteem and self-confidence, leading to a negative self-image and reduced self-worth.


Social Isolation: People experiencing chronic stress may withdraw from social activities and isolate themselves, which can further exacerbate emotional distress. Social Isolation can feel extremely heavy during this time of year whether we are overstressed or having difficulties with regulating our emotions.



Mental Impacts of Unresolved Stress:

Cognitive Impairment: Stress can impair cognitive functions such as memory, concentration, and decision-making. It can make it challenging to focus on tasks and solve problems effectively.


Reduced Creativity: Chronic stress can stifle creativity and hinder your ability to think outside the box or come up with innovative solutions.


Sleep Disturbances: Stress often leads to sleep disturbances, including insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns. This, in turn, can exacerbate mental fatigue and emotional distress. When we aren’t sleeping properly it can have a negative effect on our mood and make it difficult to accomplish our everyday tasks.


Heightened Risk of Mental Disorders: Long-term unresolved stress is a risk factor for developing mental health disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse disorders.


Healing Through Movement Modalities:

Fortunately, there are numerous movement modalities that can help alleviate stress and promote overall wellbeing. These practices not only offer physical benefits but also have a profound impact on your emotional and mental health.


  1. Yoga: Yoga is my go to movement and healing modality.


  • Physical Benefits: Yoga combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation to improve flexibility, balance, and strength.
  • Emotional Benefits: Yoga encourages mindfulness and self-acceptance, reducing anxiety and depression symptoms.
  • Mental Benefits: Regular yoga practice enhances focus, concentration, and mental clarity.


  1. Tai Chi:


  • Physical Benefits: Tai Chi involves slow, flowing movements that improve balance, coordination, and joint flexibility.
  • Emotional Benefits: Tai Chi promotes relaxation and reduces stress by integrating movement with deep breathing and meditation.
  • Mental Benefits: Practicing Tai Chi can improve cognitive function, particularly in older adults.


  1. Pilates:


  • Physical Benefits: Pilates focuses on core strength, posture, and flexibility, leading to improved body awareness and alignment.
  • Emotional Benefits: Pilates enhances body-mind connection, helping individuals become more attuned to their physical sensations and emotions.
  • Mental Benefits: Regular Pilates practice can increase mental resilience and reduce stress-related symptoms.


  1. Dance Therapy:


  • Physical Benefits: Dance therapy combines movement with self-expression, enhancing physical fitness and coordination.
  • Emotional Benefits: Dancing allows individuals to express emotions nonverbally, making it a powerful tool for emotional release and self-expression.
  • Mental Benefits: Dance therapy fosters creativity and can improve self-esteem and self-confidence.


  1. Qigong:
  • Physical Benefits: Qigong consists of slow, flowing movements and controlled breathing to promote energy flow (qi) and balance in the body.
  • Emotional Benefits: Qigong helps reduce stress and anxiety while enhancing emotional stability and inner peace.
  • Mental Benefits: Practicing qigong can improve mental clarity and promote a sense of harmony between the body and mind.



  1. Mindful Walking:


  • Physical Benefits: Mindful walking involves walking slowly and deliberately, paying full attention to each step and your surroundings.
  • Emotional Benefits: This practice encourages mindfulness, reducing stress and enhancing emotional regulation.
  • Mental Benefits: Mindful walking can clear the mind, increase focus, and improve overall mental wellbeing.


  1. Feldenkrais Method:


  • Physical Benefits: The Feldenkrais Method uses gentle movements and awareness to improve posture, flexibility, and coordination.
  • Emotional Benefits: This method can help release emotional tension and promote a sense of relaxation and self-awareness.
  • Mental Benefits: Feldenkrais can enhance mental clarity and reduce mental fatigue.


  1. Alexander Technique:


  • Physical Benefits: The Alexander Technique focuses on improving posture, body alignment, and movement efficiency.
  • Emotional Benefits: It can reduce physical tension, leading to emotional relaxation and improved emotional regulation.
  • Mental Benefits: Practicing the Alexander Technique can enhance mental focus and reduce stress-related cognitive impairments.


  1. Hiking and Nature Walks:


  • Physical Benefits: Hiking and nature walks provide cardiovascular exercise, promote fitness, and offer exposure to natural beauty.
  • Emotional Benefits: Spending time in nature reduces stress and promotes emotional wellbeing by connecting you to the outdoors.
  • Mental Benefits: These activities can clear the mind, boost mood, and enhance mental clarity.


  1. Aikido:


  • Physical Benefits: Aikido is a Japanese martial art focused on redirecting an opponent’s energy. It improves balance, agility, and flexibility.
  • Emotional Benefits: Aikido emphasizes non-aggression and non-resistance, promoting emotional balance and conflict resolution skills.
  • Mental Benefits: Practicing Aikido fosters mental discipline, concentration, and stress reduction.


The Importance of Consistent Practice

While these movement modalities offer significant benefits, consistency is key to reaping the maximum rewards for your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. 


Here’s why regular practice matters:

Neuroplasticity: Consistent practice strengthens neural pathways, making it easier to adopt healthy habits and manage stress effectively.

Long-Term Change: Long-term practice of movement modalities can lead to lasting changes in how your body and mind respond to stress. It becomes a part of your lifestyle and coping mechanism.

Cumulative Effects: The benefits of these practices often accumulate over time. You may notice incremental improvements in physical fitness, emotional regulation, and mental clarity as you continue to practice.


Stress Reduction: Regular practice helps reduce chronic stress by teaching you how to manage stressors as they arise, preventing them from accumulating and causing long-term damage.


Emotional Resilience: Consistent practice enhances emotional resilience, making it easier to bounce back from setbacks and cope with life’s challenges.


Holistic Wellbeing: Movement modalities not only improve specific aspects of your health but also promote holistic wellbeing by addressing physical, emotional, and mental aspects simultaneously.


Unresolved stress can have profound and far-reaching effects on your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. The first step is noticing the signs of when you feel burnout, overly stressed, or mentally fatigued. The next step would be to advocate for yourself and your body and understand what it is that you feel you need in order to be your best self. The good news is that movement modalities such as yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, dance therapy, Qigong, mindful walking, the Feldenkrais Method, the Alexander Technique, hiking, nature walks, and Aikido offer effective tools to mitigate the impacts of stress and promote overall health. A lot of these movements are easygoing and you can go at the pace that best benefits you and your lifestyle. However, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of consistent practice to experience the full spectrum of benefits. By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can build resilience, enhance your quality of life, and embark on a path toward greater balance and wellbeing.


Wishing you a stress-free life and nurtured wellbeing moving forward!


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