Ring in a Prosperous New Year With Rituals to Practice the Next 365 Days

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Wellness visionary & inspirational speaker, author of Let Your Fears Make You Fierce, & Founder of The Get Loved Up Community. My core mission is to promote daily self-care, oneness & eco-friendly living.

Hi, I'm Koya

American sociologist widely known for his work in the sociology of religion, Robert Wuthnow, describes rituals as actions with a symbolic meaning and more profound purpose behind them.

This is what practicing wellness has become to me, a series of rituals I consistently perform throughout the day, every day, to optimize my wellness journey. What makes my practice a significant ritual as opposed to a simple routine is my purpose: to help everyone who needs more love in their life to first love themselves through self-care and healthy habits. 

Cultivating your practice with purpose and meaning is not about what or how you perform it but your intention and how you want to feel afterwards. When practiced daily, you will be led to manifesting those intentions you set for yourself at the beginning of the year.

Making them enjoyable, personal, and consistent can add fire and power to your rituals. American memoirist, famous poet, and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou, constructed a writing ritual where she would rent a hotel room, remove all distractions, and create a comforting environment for herself to start writing every day at the same time. 

Need more convincing? There are several reasons why creating daily rituals can cultivate a prosperous year ahead:

Reasons Why Creating Daily Rituals Can Cultivate a Prosperous New Year

  • Daily rituals help create everyday moments of joy and self-care.
  • Provides comfort, giving us something to return to during challenging times.
  • Console us with ways to better handle grief, especially after the death of a loved one.
  • Further cements our intentions for the day, guiding us through our day, thus placing us in a flow state.
  • Encourages us to break automatic behaviors and build healthy habits like beating procrastination and taking action.
  • Possesses the ability to turn ordinary experiences into special sacred ones.
  • Keeps us focused and purpose-driven toward what we are called to do.
  • Rituals are a way of celebrating life.

Now that the new year is in full swing and your intentions are set for the year ahead, it is time to prepare your new year rituals so that may thrive in the next 365 days.

What daily rituals are you creating for your prosperous new year?

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