Do you need a massage?

follow @koyawebb

Wellness visionary & inspirational speaker, author of Let Your Fears Make You Fierce, & Founder of The Get Loved Up Community. My core mission is to promote daily self-care, oneness & eco-friendly living.

Hi, I'm Koya

Are you usually sitting at your desk working all day?

If the answer to that question is yes, you need a massage. If you don’t have an office job… you
need a massage as well!

A massage is not something to get only when it’s therapeutical because you hurt yourself or you
are under some kind of treatment. It should be something we all add to our weekly routines to
benefit from all the good things it has to offer.

For starters, it is a great way to slow down and relax for one or two hours after a hectic week and
allow yourself some well deserved me-time. Massages ease muscle pain and also help improving
sleep, boosting your immune system and also relieves headaches.

How awesome is that?

Having a massage is the perfect way to release the tension you have been building up and to
prevent worse illnesses from happening to you.

You think a massage is too expensive?

You don’t need to go to the spa every week, a massage from your friend, partner or even a self
massage can make a HUGE difference!

Now that you are reading this, take a few minutes to breathe and identify where you feel some
tightness in your body. It can be your shoulders, your feet or even your head. Take a few minutes
to mindfully massage that area and see how you feel after.

Offer a massage to someone you care about today 🙂

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