My Trip to Israel: The Importance of Exploring New Cultures

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Wellness visionary & inspirational speaker, author of Let Your Fears Make You Fierce, & Founder of The Get Loved Up Community. My core mission is to promote daily self-care, oneness & eco-friendly living.

Hi, I'm Koya

I am so thankful to be able to travel and discover new places whether that be for my work or for my own pleasure. Traveling is just one huge learning experience and I believe it is so important to open yourself up to new cultures, new people and different ways of living.

I’ll never forget my trip to Israel back in October. Our first stop on the tour was the Old City in Jerusalem given to us by our wonderful and insightful tour guide, Michal Granot (to learn more about her, click here.)

This is a place that has been on my bucket list ever since I was a little girl. To be able to walk where Jesus walked and to get to know more about the country of Israel was such a profound experience and I encourage every single person to go at least once throughout their lifetime. It was electrifying to hear the Islamic calls to prayer, the shofar (Jewish ram’s horn) and people praying non-stop at the Western Wall aka ‘The Wailing Wall.’ I wrote my prayer on a sheet of paper, stuck it in the wall with all the others and left feeling so empowered.

We tend to shut ourselves off to certain places based on what we hear about them, but I believe we cannot make assumptions about other places until we get to experience them for ourselves. There is beauty all over this world and it just takes people like you and I to continue to spread love and kindness in order to make that beauty shine brighter than ever.

I still think about my trip to Israel daily and how much my eyes have been opened because of it. A special thank you to Vibe Israel for helping me fulfill a dream I’ve had for the majority of my life.  

Taken by photographer: Kira Kletsky
Taken by photographer: Kira Kletsky

Check out more about Vibe Israel here-

Photographer: Kira Kletsky

Michal Granot: Facebook Page

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