Her name is Kim-Julie and she is the face behind Brussels Vegan, Best of Vegan, The Vegan Reset and The Vegan Challenge. Af
ter years of leading an unhealthy lifestyle, she became an ethical vegan in 2011 and soon also discovered the many health benefits of a plant-based lifestyle. As scary as it seemed then, it was the best decision she ever made. In 2013, she developed a passion for whole foods, which helped her get rid of allergies, chronic migraines, and many other health issues. She started Brussels Vegan and Best of Vegan to show people how easy it can be to change your lifestyle, no matter how hard it may seem in the beginning. In addition to vegan foods, she enjoys doing Yoga, drawing, reading, writing, traveling and spending time with friends and family. She loves helping others make the transition. That is why she wrote the book The Practical Vegan and regularly organizse vegan challenges.
How she practices self-love
We often talk about self-love and how important it is, but I think that sometimes the concept of loving yourself unconditionally can seem so foreign that we don’t even know where to begin. I believe that paying attention to the way in which we speak to ourselves and about ourselves is crucial. Gently catching the thought patterns that don’t serve us and trying to show ourselves more kindness instead is a great starting point. So, instead of saying “Why did I do that? I can’t believe I failed again…”, try saying “It happened and it’s OK, I’ll be OK. Now, how can I use this experience to learn and grow?”
At times I feel overwhelmed by the amount of things I have to get done and the pressure I feel to achieve my goals and not disappoint certain people. In those moments, it’s tempting to prioritize impressing other people over making sure you don’t burn out, but at the end of the day, you can’t serve a greater purpose or inspire others if you don’t take care of yourself first. So when I feel like that, I press the pause button and give myself a day or two to recharge in order to prioritize my mental health and overall wellbeing.
I like to refuel my body by staying hydrated and eating an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. Don’t get me wrong, I love vegan donuts and other treats, but I make sure that most of my diet consists of whole foods and fresh produce as I know that those foods are what makes me feel best. When it comes to regenerating, I make sure I sleep enough, meditate, practice Yoga and spend time going for walks outdoors.
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