Take Inventory On These 4 Areas Of Your Life

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Wellness visionary & inspirational speaker, author of Let Your Fears Make You Fierce, & Founder of The Get Loved Up Community. My core mission is to promote daily self-care, oneness & eco-friendly living.

Hi, I'm Koya

When was the last time you checked in with yourself? Like, really took the time to stop, take a step back and take a look at yourself and how you are FEELING?

It’s okay, we all get caught up by this thing called life from time to time. And it’s good to focus on giving love to others rather than taking, but always remember that you also need to give to YOURSELF.

I specialize in holistic health because it not only focuses on what you can see, but it also focuses on the hidden parts. It means looking at the whole picture.

So, shall we start taking a look at your life?

A very easy thing to do is to divide your life in different areas and rate them to see where you need to focus on more!

I made the division for you, so take a look at your:

– Relationships
– Health
– Career
– Spirituality

Give yourself a punctuation from 1 to 10. Look at those that need more work and start setting small goals. You see, when you have an imbalance in one area of your life it can affect other areas or create an imbalance.

Like in yoga, you don’t just practice on one side, you work on your strong and weak side with the same effort to find balance in the body. See this as doing the same with your life! We all struggle with one thing or another, once you have discovered which area is yet to improve, ask yourself how you can do it.

You can start by just journaling about it and see what comes out of it. But the most important thing is not to be afraid to ask for help. We humans can be very independent and prideful beings, but sometimes one is not enough and another point of view can make a huge difference. Maybe a talk with a close friend, a self help book or visiting a therapist are some things that can help you make that change you have been wanting to make to really improve your life in general.

Just remind yourself that it is okay to ask for help, we are here to look out for each other 🙂

I am actually curious, which is the area that you rated the lowest? Maybe we see a pattern comparing different people and recognize a common problem. Maybe it’s something more personal.

Either way, I would LOVE to get feedback from you and that you share with me where you are at.

“You are not a selfish person for taking care of yourself… Just a happier one!” – Jen Sincero

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