On the other side of resistance is transformation and freedom.
I was so excited to sit down with my new friend Alyssa and discuss one of the most powerful tools I’ve ever found to manage my thoughts and fears – it’s called The Work.
Alyssa is an entrepreneur and leader in the coaching and consciousness industry. She’s a licensed marriage and family therapist and works as a professional coach with individuals and corporations.
Her enthusiasm for this work has led her to develop a unique way of blending multiple modalities and life experiences to support people in a soulful and practical way. Her intention and vocation is to assist others in leading more open, authentic, loving, and fulfilling lives.
When we started talking, I remembered how many blessings there are for doing this kind of work, whether it’s in relationships, our businesses, or any area of our lives. I can’t wait to hear what you learn from this conversation with Alyssa.

Show Notes
- How to question the thoughts that create stress in our lives (0:45)
- What our egos actually are and what they do (2:20)
- How to let the victim voice inside your head come out (3:42)
- Physical practices to let your thoughts and feelings out (5:35)
- Why inner work can be fierce (7:01)
- Why you don’t need to prove your worth by how you perform (12:20)
- What to do when you feel like you can’t get past a trauma (18:11)
- The biggest fears in relationships and how to move past them (19:42)
- Alyssa’s perspective on being a stepmom (26:25)
- What it looks like to live your values (29:45)
- How Alyssa gets loved up (30:42)
Links mentioned in this episode
- Byron Katie
- Loving What Is
- Gestalt therapy
- Radical Forgiveness
- Hakomi method
- How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk
- Imago therapy
- Getting the Love You Want
- Enneagram
- Order non-toxic seaweed skincare from Osea and get free shipping with code “GETLOVEDUPFREESHIP”
- Pre-order Koya’s new book Let Your Fears Make You Fierce
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