While in Israel I experienced and learned many new things that I had not before. But towards the end of my trip, there was something that I experienced that touched me so much that I will be sure to carry along with me for a very long time.
On the second to last day in Israel, myself along with the wonderful people I was with experienced a mindful meal led by the beautiful Avital Sebbag. This involved us consuming this meal without speaking and with our eyes closed. It was the practice of mindful eating, where we remove all distractions from us and truly connect with the food that we are eating.

I can’t even begin to explain how touching this experience was to me. So much so that I even cried! Through this experience I learned that sometimes we don’t realize how fast we’re going in our lives until we give ourselves the time to slow down and take things easy. Think of all the things we may have missed or didn’t give our full attention to all because we were focused on doing the next thing or the next task.

We must fully appreciate the things around us. From the places and people that we meet, to the very own food that we eat, we must embrace all the love that is in this world and share our love right back. All of these experiences are what makes us and shapes us into who we are. I give a special thank you to Vibe Israel for allowing me to learn so much in such a short amount of time. It is through this trip that I learned such an important life lesson that I would not have anywhere else.
Check out more about Vibe Israel here- www.vibeisrael.com
Learn more about Avital Sebbag: https://www.avitality.co.il/english, Facebook, Instagram
Photographer: Kira Kletsky
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