Podcast: EP 51 Forgiveness, Finances, and Figuring It All Out with Marie Forleo

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Wellness visionary & inspirational speaker, author of Let Your Fears Make You Fierce, & Founder of The Get Loved Up Community. My core mission is to promote daily self-care, oneness & eco-friendly living.

Hi, I'm Koya

Hi, love. Thank you so much for stopping by.

This has been a challenging year. We’ve faced so many obstacles and struggles that we’ve never experienced before. Do you feel tired? Do you feel discouraged? I know I’ve felt those things this year, and it’s okay if you have too.

It’s normal to feel down when we’re dealing with unprecedented problems like a global pandemic, widespread job loss, an overburdened healthcare system, and fewer opportunities to spend time with others. That’s why it’s more important than ever to make time for self-care and self-love. It’s important to slow down, breathe, sit with our thoughts, and check-in with ourselves to make sure that we’re okay.

I want you to know that there is good news: We can figure out these problems, and in the meantime, we can learn to take wonderful care of ourselves and others.

My guest today has a beautiful, loving soul, and she’s using it to love and serve others during this hard time. Marie Forleo is my personal business mentor, and for today, she can be yours, too. Marie is absolutely undaunted by any challenge, and she continues to press forward into this year with joy, forgiveness, and a healthy spirit of self-care.

I’m so grateful to have Marie on the show today. She’s here to share a little bit about what it means to be multi-passionate, why everything is figureoutable, what lessons we can learn from this challenging year, and why forgiveness is so essential. I loved being a part of this conversation, and I know that Marie’s wisdom will inspire you.

Who Is Marie Forleo?

Marie Forleo is a Jersey girl turned big city entrepreneur. Growing up, Marie never seemed to have just one dream job — instead, she had many different interests, passions, and dreams. But as an adult, Marie realized she could channel all of her energy into a digital empire that is still growing today. With nothing but passion, a laptop, and a dream, she’s created a socially-conscious empire that inspires millions across the globe.

Among those millions inspired by Marie and her work is Oprah Winfrey herself. On her show Super Soul Sunday Oprah named Marie a thought leader for the next generation. Marie’s message of empowerment, equality, self-care, and forgiveness is widely celebrated.

Marie’s digital empire included both the incredibly popular MarieTV show — which boasts over 54 million views — and The Marie Forleo Podcast — which has been downloaded more than 14 million times. Through both types of media, Marie inspired passionate entrepreneurs like myself to dream big and back up those dreams with daily actions to create results. 

Marie is also the brilliant mind behind her popular coaching program — B-School. I highly recommend that every entrepreneur attend Marie’s B-School. Through this coaching program, Marie trains aspiring business owners to own their potential and create real, sustainable growth in their businesses. Marie is passionate about helping others to raise their profits and achieve their higher purposes at the same time, and she does just that through B-School.

In addition to being a leader in the coaching space, Marie is a New York Times bestselling author. Her recent book, Everything is Figureoutable is incredible and inspiring. In it, Marie shares her mindset tips and strategies for overcoming any problem you may encounter. I highly recommend it.

I love Marie so much, and I’m grateful to her for joining me on the podcast today. I know you’re going to get a lot of value out of this episode, so let’s dive into the interview.

What It Means to Be a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur

When Marie was in her early 20s, she had a clear image in her head of what success looked like. She could imagine a powerful woman with big shoulder pads in her corner office in a large corporate building. That woman lived the corporate life and worked her way to the top — but as Marie found out, it’s not that simple.

As a young woman, Marie worked for a time in the publishing industry. She worked in an office and thought she was doing everything right in order to be truly successful. But she quickly realized that corporate life was not for her. She didn’t like working in such a constrained environment that stifled her passions and individuality. So, she decided to make a change.

Marie launched her own business, which was a wonderful step in the right direction, but it still wasn’t enough to make her feel totally creatively fulfilled. She found herself trying to fit into the model of what she felt like a professional businesswoman should be, and it just didn’t work for her. At that moment, Marie finally realized that she had to be her authentic self.

“After just so much struggle of really confining myself and trying to fit myself into an image of who I thought I should be, I was like, ‘Screw this. I can’t do this. It’s not going to work. This is miserable. This is how I talk. I have a weird sense of humor. I use spicy, colorful language. I love hip-hop. I love to dance. I love movement. I love all of these different things, and I feel like if I don’t actually express that, there’s no way I can move ahead.’” – Marie Forleo

Love, do you ever feel like you don’t fit into the corporate mold? Do you have a passion that seems different or weird? I want to encourage you to embrace that. It’s okay to have multiple passions — those passions make you who you are, and if you follow them, you’ll create a business and a life that is absolutely perfect for you.

Marie definitely has more than one passion. She loves hip-hop and dance, but she also loves coaching, and she also enjoys creating MarieTV and The Marie Forleo Show. When Marie realized that she needed to follow all of her passions and break out of the corporate world, she coined a new term to describe herself — “multi-passionate entrepreneur.”

“I wasn’t just a typical entrepreneur. Every time people would ask me, ‘So what do you do for a living?’ It didn’t feel right … just to say, ‘Oh, I’m a coach.’ That felt, somehow, really narrow and limiting. And every time I tried to pick one thing to be or pick one way to present myself to the world, it just felt like I was cutting off a limb. And I got what I now call a gift from the career gods around that period of my life — it came to me, and it was this little phrase: ‘You are a multi-passionate entrepreneur.’” – Marie Forleo

Are you a multi-passionate entrepreneur? If so, embrace that calling — it’s beautiful. Use your many passions — really lean into them — and watch your profits and your impact rise as a result.

Everything Is Figureoutable (Even During a Pandemic)

As I mentioned before, 2020 has been a challenging year for many of us. At the very least it’s been strange to live in quarantine and experience crazy things like grocery stores running out of toilet paper. At worst, we’ve experienced job loss, fear, uncertainty, sickness, and the loss of loved ones. It’s been hard.

But while I don’t wish to minimize the deep emotional, mental, and spiritual struggles many of us have faced this year, there are some silver linings. There truly is hope. As Marie says, “everything is figureoutable.” We will figure out how to effectively treat COVID-19, and we will get through this experience together.

But what does Marie really mean when she says that “everything is figureoutable?” Marie easily explained her philosophy with these three rules:

“The three rules of the figureoutable philosophy are: [Number] one — all problems or dreams are figureoutable. [Number] two — if a problem isn’t figureoutable, it isn’t really a problem. It’s a fact of life or a law of nature, like death or gravity. … Number three — you may not care enough to solve this particular problem or reach this particular dream, and that’s okay.” – Marie Forleo

Think about a problem you’re facing right now. Are you struggling to find peace in these uncertain times? Are you fearful about the virus, your job security, or the coming election season? I want you to know that those problems are figureoutable. You can find your way to the solutions — it just takes time and a little creative thinking.

And this philosophy holds true on a global level as well. The coronavirus is a problem, but it’s figureoutable. When we work together, we can solve huge problems. One day, we’ll figure out how to treat the coronavirus. The pandemic will end, and we’ll be able to establish a new normal that is better than ever before for us and for Mother Earth. 

Just think — because we’ve been in quarantine, we haven’t been driving and flying as much. As a result, Mother Earth is thriving, and that’s helping with the climate change problem. Climate change is figureoutable too — love, don’t lose hope.

The Most Important Lessons Marie Forleo Doesn’t Want to Forget

The other amazing thing about 2020 is that, though we’ve experienced many challenges, we’ve also experienced a lot of growth and new beginnings. I wanted to ask Marie about the most important lessons she’s learned on her journey to run a business during a pandemic, and she had so much wonderful wisdom to share.

First of all, Marie shared with me that she learned a lot about the importance of taking care of her team:

“We’re receiving a lot of communications from individual souls who are in really extraordinarily challenging situations. So for me as a business e-leader, it’s important to give even more support to my customer happiness team, and to continue to ask them what they need from me to help them show up as fully and with big hearts and with additional resourcing, if needed, to be able to deliver that love and support to our people in a way that is not usually coming in outside of a global pandemic.” – Marie Forleo

Marie has a large team of people working for her business who are dedicated to loving and supporting their clients. But with so many people out there needing extra love and support, it’s easy for the client-happiness team to feel a little overwhelmed and exhausted. So, Marie has taken care to make sure that her team members have the support they need. As a business leader, she knows that she has to take care of her people before they can take care of anyone else, and that’s true for you, too.

But that’s not the only essential lesson Marie has learned during the pandemic. She’s also learned a key lesson about finances: It’s essential to have cash reserves.

“I think another business lesson that we’ve learned is how important it is to have cash reserves. … I love money. I make no apologies for that. I love it because it is a tool that can be used for transformative goodness in this world. … So the fact that we have had cash reserves, that I was able to tell my team from the onset, ‘You do not have a thing to worry about.’ … recemented for me how much that practice of having cash reserves is vital.” – Marie Forleo

It’s so important to have savings in the bank — whether you’re an individual or a business owner. When you have even a little bit of a cash reserve, you are much more prepared when emergencies arise. If you’re a business leader like Marie, I would encourage you to find ways to build your cash reserves. You’ll have much more peace of mind knowing that your financial situation is secure.

A Word About Forgiveness

Before we ended our conversation, I wanted to ask Marie to give her definition of forgiveness. I know that she has a really beautiful philosophy surrounding that topic, and I wanted to make sure that you got the chance to hear it from her.

“Forgiveness often has to do with our relationships — that if someone has broken your trust, you can forgive them, but you don’t necessarily have to trust that person again nor invite them back into your life. … And forgiveness really is a gift to yourself because it’s a release of that anger and resentment and that hate so that you can love fully again. And I think when you forgive someone else, which is often easier said than done, there is a release that happens, and there is a freedom that comes that I think most of us are looking for.” – Marie Forleo

When you forgive someone who has broken your trust, you give yourself a tremendous gift. You give yourself the freedom to let go of your anger and resentment, and you allow yourself to fully embody love in all its fullness again. 

Do you have someone you need to forgive? I have been doing a lot of forgiveness work during this time, and forgiving others has allowed me to let go my negative emotions and more fully embody love, joy, and peace. I want to encourage you to practice forgiveness — I think you’ll be happy that you did.

And if you think that you simply can’t forgive someone, Marie has some more words of advice:

“What I say to that is: One of the best tricks I’ve found for myself whenever I say I can’t do anything [is to ask myself, ‘Am I willing even if I don’t know how?’ … There is something transformational about willingness that shifts from, ‘No. Can’t. Will not open my brain or my heart to this,’ to an invitation to possibility and intuition.” – Marie Forleo

If you don’t feel capable of forgiving someone, ask yourself, “Am I willing to forgive them?” If you can find that willingness to forgive in your heart, you can find a way to forgive them, and I promise you will enjoy the peace of mind and spirit that go along with forgiveness.

Get Loved Up with Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo is an inspiration to me, and I hope she inspired you too. I love and admire her strength, business sense, and love when it comes to taking care of her team and everyone around her. I hope you got a lot of value from this conversation — I know I did. 

Before I go, I want to share with you Marie’s definition of love:

“Love for me is like an unconditional pouring out of acceptance. It feels more like a warm honey. It feels like an envelopment. It feels like keeping my heart open and seeing and honoring the inherent goodness and the god-like quality in someone or something else. It’s being with their timeless presence in such a way where I’m acknowledging their fullest potential and the rightness of who they are exactly as they are in this moment.” – Marie Forleo

I think that’s a beautiful definition. Love is just like being enveloped in warm honey — it’s comforting, sweet, and wonderful.

I hope you enjoyed this interview. If you’d like to learn more about Marie and the incredible work that she does, I’d encourage you to check out her website. There, you can learn a little bit more about Marie herself and also learn about her B-School, which I highly recommend. Marie does incredible work, and she’s a wonderful and wise mentor.

If you got as much value from this episode as I did, please feel free to share it on Instagram. Make sure to tag Marie, @marieforleo, and me, @koyawebb with a screenshot of the episode and your biggest takeaways. I always love to hear from you.

Additionally, I want to encourage you to consider joining my Wellness Entrepreneur Mastermind. I created this Mastermind to inspire your optimal health and expansion beyond any conscious or unconscious limitations or setbacks. You are here to shine in the light and the darkness, like the sun and the moon. You are here to bless the world with your brilliance, and I would be honored to be your Health and Abundance Mentor/Coach if we are divinely aligned. If you would like to partner more closely with me on your health and wellness journey, please visit my website to see if my Mastermind is right for you.

Until next time — remember, everything is figureoutable. Remain hopeful, and remember to forgive others. You’ll be amazed and the peace, joy, freedom, and love you can experience. I love you.

  • How to inject your history and your authentic self into your business (4:35)
  • How Marie came to be the powerful woman she is today (7:16)
  • How Marie figures things out through three simple rules (12:41)
  • How negativity bias affects us (17:12)
  • Marie’s personal precautions during the quarantine. (21:25)
  • Marie’s lessons that she doesn’t want to forget from the quarantine (25:41)
  • What a blessing it is to be connected during this time (28:24)
  • The importance of keeping cash reserves (30:18)
  • Why we need getting “back to normal” from this quarantine is bad (35:10)
  • How we can be more mindful at this time (41:19)
  • Why we need something from everyone (43:14)
  • What love means to Marie (45:20)
  • The importance of forgiveness (46:31)

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